Williamsburg Speaks

179 North 7th Street Brooklyn, NY 11211

Speech & Language Milestones

Birth - 3 months

  • Quiets to a familiar voice

  • Moves in response to voice

  • Discriminates between angry and friendly voices

  • Has a hunger cry

  • Vocalizes to show pleasure

3 - 6 months

  • Begins to recognize own name

  • Responds to “no”

  • Smiles in response to speech

  • Takes turns vocalizing

6-9 months

  • Responds to “no” most of the time

  • Moves toward or looks for family members when named

  • Responds to “Come here” (only if your child is mobile)

  • Vocalizes in response to objects that move

  • Shouts or vocalizes to gain attention

9-12 months

  • Responds to some verbal requests such as giving objects and gesturing when asked “Want up?”

  • Identifies two body parts on self

  • Participates in speech routine games like “So big”

  • Says “Mama” or “Dada”

  • Says 1-2 words spontaneously

12-15 months

  • Follows one-step commands during play

  • Responds to “Give me”

  • Identifies three body parts on self or doll

  • Understands some prepositions such as up and down

  • Shakes head yes or no

  • Says 8-10 words spontaneously

  • Tries to sing along with familiar songs

  • Imitates new words

  • Imitates three animal sounds

15-18 months

  • Identifies six body parts or clothing items on a doll

  • Chooses two familiar objects when asked (i.e. gets items as you name them, such as bottle, ball, shoes)

  • Identifies objects by categories (i.e. able to put blocks with other blocks, balls with other balls)

  • Says 15 meaningful words

  • Asks for “more”

  • Asks “What’s that”

  • Names 5-7 objects when asked

18-21 months

  • Identifies four body parts and clothing items on self

  • If mobile, follows directions to “Sit down” and “Come here”

  • Understands the meaning of action words

  • Identifies pictures named

  • Imitates two-and-three word phrases

  • Requests toys or food with vocalizations and gestures

  • Names some pictures

21-24 months

  • Puts away toys on request

  • Follows two-step related commands (i.e. “Get the diaper and bring it to me” or “Pick up the cup and take a drink”)

  • Says two-word phrases frequently

  • Uses 50 different words

  • Says three-word phrases occasionally

  • Says own name to refer to self

24-27 months

  • Points to four action words in pictures

  • Understands size concepts (big and small)

  • Understands the concept one (i.e. “Give me one block” or “Get one cup”)

  • Imitates two numbers or unrelated words

  • Uses three-word phrases frequently

  • Uses action words (i.e. sit, eat, cry, sleep, kick, throw, roll)

27-30 months

  • Responds to simple questions

  • Understands two prepositions/location phrases , such as on, in, by, under

  • Names one color

  • Refers to self by pronouns consistently (I, me, my)

  • Uses two sentence types (declarative sentences like “Dog eat” or “Give me cookie”and asks questions like “Mommy go”

  • Uses past tense regular and irregular forms

  • Uses negation (no, not, don’t)

30-33 months

  • Names one color

  • Refers to self by pronouns consistently (I, me, my)

  • Uses two sentence types (declarative sentences like “Dog eat” or “Give me cookie”and asks questions like “Mommy go”

  • Uses past tense regular and irregular forms

  • Uses negation (no, not, don’t)

  • Answers questions with “yes” and “no”

  • Uses plurals

  • Uses prepositions

  • States gender

  • Says first and last names

33-36 months

  • Follows three-step unrelated commands (i.e. “Get your ball, give baby a drink, and push the car”)

  • Answers wh-questions

  • Identifies parts of objects

  • Uses verb form -ing

  • Asks wh-questions including what, who, and where

  • Talks in sentences 3-5 words in length

  • Counts to 3

  • Recites some nursery rhymes